Finance & Accounting

CTA provides the full range of finance & accounting services that help the business to organize and integrate its financial data. Our services include accounting, comprehensive review of accounting systems and internal controls, management accounting, financial statements transformation and internal financial reports.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

CTA provides accounting services to a large number of small and mid-sized companies in different industries. Our accounting and bookkeeping services include:

  • data entry transactions in accounting software, in accordance with international accounting standards;
  • preparing and maintaining the list of Fix Asset, including depreciation;
  • recording and controlling all accounts receivable and payable;
  • recording and controlling all inventory accounts;
  • performing monthly bank reconciliations;
  • recording approved budget of the Company in accounting system (if applicable).
  • Review of accounting systems and internal controls

CTA will review the clients’ accounting systems and internal controls and implement specific procedures to assure that they have in place:
effective financial controls;

  • reliable financial statements and compliant with laws and regulations;
  • financial statements are in accordance with the company’s policies and procedures;
  • sufficient protection of company’s assets against any fraud.

Management Accounting

Management accounting services are designed to help making informed business decisions, by providing quality management information to decision making managers. These are customized services, focused on accounting information that will help analyzing performance by using KPI’s and compare to the approved budget.
CTA will create regular monthly management reports for its clients, tailored to suit specific criteria for each specific clients and industry. The reports will contain cost-benefit analysis, product/service profitability analysis, cost allocation, operating and capital budget preparation, etc.

Financial statements transformation

Nowadays, the number of companies requiring to prepare their Financial Statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are increasing. CTA team perform all procedures required for transformation of your existing financial statements into the financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. The financial statements transformation process includes:

  • preparation of accounting policies in accordance with IFRS requirements;
  • preparing list of adjustments’ required for IFRS implementation;
  • preparing financial statements package according to IFRS.

Financial statements reporting

CTA will prepare and deliver financial reports at requested intervals, supporting clients who lack the time or capability to do their financial reporting requirements, and ensuring full compliance with the latest accounting standards and regulations. We will cover the entire process, starting from the initial trial balance through to the final draft financial statements. That will include fully documented audit trail, even though in most cases we will coordinate the audit process directly with the auditors to resolve any disclosure issue.